National Day of Prayer Breakfast
Where: New Hope Community Church, 5100 Bethesda Ct., Williamsburg, MI 49690
When: Thursday, May 2nd from 7am to 9am
Join us for “A Call to Pray.” This National Day of Prayer we invite you to to a Community Breakfast at 7:00am, May 2.
Come connect with community leaders, enjoy a catered breakfast, and hear from our guest speaker Doug Schmidt as we take time to pray for the nation.
Doug retired as senior pastor from Woodside Church in Troy, MI in 2019 and now gives full-time attention to directing Barnabas Ministries, which exists to provide encouragement to pastors and churches.
Individual open seating tickets are $15.00/person or reserve a whole table of 7 for $105. Registration for this event is open now through April 21.