Reach A Village Event
Join with us and Reach A Village on Wednesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 24th to reach people with the gospel in Thailand!
What does your gift provide?
Each $70 gift will help reach 20 people with the gospel and provide training, equipping, and sending local believers to preach the Gospel, start Bible studies as well as establish churches in unreached areas.
Reach A Village’s Mission Statement
We are called by God to train and equip local believers, enabling them to reach the unreached and bring them into fellowship with Jesus Christ and His Church, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our inspiration comes from the words of Jesus in Mark 1:38,
“Let us go somewhere else — to the nearby villages — so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.”
Mission work often focuses on people who live in cities, while neglecting the people who live in small, rural villages. We work to bridge that gap. Even after centuries of traditional mission work, over 1.7 million villages in our world remain unreached. More than 3 billion people worldwide have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reach A Village uses three main types of ministry to reach the unreached villages:
1) Starting New Churches
2)Discipling New Believers
3) Children’s Bible Ministry
Our ultimate goal for the ministry of Reach A Village is to finish the mission Jesus gave His disciples: to take the Good News to the ends of the earth so that every person in every village has the opportunity to have a relationship with Him.
Foreign missionaries cannot go to many places in our world because of political, cultural or geographical restrictions. Mobilizing local believers is the most effective way to reach unreached people. When the Gospel arrives in a village, hope and transformation spread through lives, families and the entire community.
We train and equip local Christians to take the Gospel to unreached villages. They build relationships with people, start Bible studies, help lead people to Christ and establish new churches.
10 Year Cumulative Impact
19,900+ churches started
1.4+ million new believers
7.2+ million people who heard the Gospel
24.6 Scriptures provided (includes Bible, New Testament, portions and children’s materials)
2023 Ministry Results
2,925 Churches Started
787,595 People Who Heard the Gospel
1,591,513 Scriptures provided (this includes Study Bibles, full Bibles, New Testaments, Children’s Bibles/portions, and Scripture tracts/portions)
391,253 New People in Bible Studies
137,395 New Believers
83,445 People Who Attended Training Events
Donor Testimonials
“Reach A Village embraces Jesus’ commission to the Church: preach the Gospel to all the world. New believers in Christ will share the Gospel with others. Your gift helps to bring about an everlasting harvest.”
“We support Reach A Village because we feel their passion for serving Christ and reaching the unreached. These dedicated people are bringing the Gospel to people who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.”
-Roger and Donna
“I give to Reach A Village because this organization efficiently uses its funds to help national people reach their own people. Nationals already know their language and culture, and know how best to reach their neighboring villages. It’s a privilege to give and see God at work!”
Reach A Village│ PO BOX 577 │ Park Forest, IL 60466 │833.41.BIBLE│