Update from our Program Director
Summer is almost here in Northern Michigan, as we enjoy some of God’s most amazing blessings outdoors, He gives us a beautiful reminder in scripture: “Behold, I am doing a new thing.”
As we continue through this new season of change, our mission remains the same - to see lives changed, families strengthened, and communities impacted to the glory of Christ.
We are excited about some changes coming this week, to our Northern Christian Radio family of stations. As we grow the Christian talk and teaching programming of our sister station, The Source, we will be expanding the music programming you hear on WLJN. That means more worship every day, with solid, biblical focus.
We’ll also have hourly ministry features, that will help you in your daily walk, in an easily-understood, shorter form. And when you want to spend more time really digging into the deep things of God’s Word, we’ll have a full lineup of amazing teaching, including many of those you’ve heard on WLJN.
This fresh, new focus begins on Friday. We believe as you listen, you’ll agree that our Northern Christian Radio family of stations is offering a wonderful and God-honoring variety of programming.
Thank you, for listening, and for supporting WLJN Worship.
-Fred Young, Program Director